2002 became the Geopark resin. Braunschweiger country. Ostfalen in Bornum, the city of Königslutter am Elm. Preparations for this have already begun in the Braunschweiger Land sub-region in 1997 with the founding of the Freilicht- und Erlebnismuseum Ostfalen eV (FEMO) and together with the regional association Harz e.V. FEMO founded one of the largest geoparks in the world. In 2003 the Geopark became a member of the National Geopark Network, with the sub-area of Braunschweiger Land. 2004/2005 followed the inclusion in the European Geopark Network (EGN) and the Global Geopark Network (GGN) with the support of UNESCO. Since then, the Geopark has been successfully revalid three times, most recently in the summer of 2013. Infrastructure, management, program, budget and protection concept were reviewed.
Unlike national parks, biosphere reserves (MABs) and nature parks, Geoparks are not a separate protection category. Although nature conservation, especially geotope protection, also plays an important role, Geoparks focuses on humans in their interaction with the landscape and the mineral resources. A Geopark is a facility of people for people. In other words, a manless natural landscape could never become a geopark. Industrial and urban areas - like Braunschweig, Wolfsburg and Salzgitter - can, on the other hand, be part of a geopark.
The task of a geopark is also to promote and maintain the knowledge about the geological resources. The history of people has always depended on the landscape and its resources. I am also for the secret and the secret
The Romanesque structures would not have existed in their splendor without the muschelkalk and Rogenstein - certainly not without copper, lead, zinc and silver in the resin. Without the iron ore in Salzgitter and Peine, a steel industry has not developed here and subsequently also not Volkswagen. The relations extend to the present: without the abandoned mines, Highly problematic Atmülllager in Braunschweiger Land. Geo-knowledge is essential here!
Geoparks informs about these connections in the leisure and tourism sector as well as in cooperation with educational institutions. Just because geotos come from
Several institutes are closed at the universities of the region, and the geological authorities are increasingly restricting the basic mapping work, Geoparks have taken on an important social task. They act from the bottom up, ie, they are firmly anchored in the regions. This is the result of the close cooperation with municipalities, counties and cities, which currently also carry the part of the Geopark financing, while the federal states are limited to project funding (EU funding programs) and federal funds have not yet been used at all.
I currently have 120 Geoparks in the Global Geopark Network (GGN), 69 from Europe, 6 from Germany. In many regions of Asia and South America, geoparks are promoted by the state as instruments of regional development. The first initiatives are also growing in Africa. In November 2015, the GGN was recognized as an official UNESCO initiative, placing it alongside the World Heritage Site and the Biosphere Reserve (MAB). Thus the Braunschweig country is, in its entirety, almost a UNESCO-protected area.
From the beginning a hat of Geopark resin. Braunschweiger country. Ostfalen can be the economic ministers of the affected federal states as patrons. After the support of Frau Knolle (SPD), the ministers Hirche (FDP) and Bode (FDP) were ready to take over this function. Minister Lies (SPD) hat also dies.
© 2017 Geopark Harz . Braunschweiger Land . Ostfalen